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Faith Formation Activities

"May the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary." Marianist Doxology

Adoration - "This is the wonderful truth dear friends; the Word, which became flesh two thousand years ago, is present today in the Eucharist." St. John Paul II

Adoration in the Catholic Church is adoring and praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament either in the tabernacle or in a Monstrance. At Adoration, it is appropriate to do any/all of the following: read and reflect on readings from the Bible or other spiritual readings, pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet or any other favorite devotions, converse with God through spontaneous prayer or journaling, sit quietly and listen or just enjoy God beholding you and smiling.

STVM offers a night of Adoration, Praise and Worship formally at least twice a year. Most Marianist L.I.F.E. Nights end with the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and some retreats also have Adoration. 

Mass - Celebrating Mass for Catholics is partaking in the Eucharistic Feast, which is the Source and Summit of our Catholic Faith. Whole school Mass is offered at least once per month. Whole school Mass will always be celebrated on Holy Days of Obligation that we are in school and on Ash Wednesdays. Class Masses are celebrated on retreat days. We also offer a Mass in our Chapel on the First Friday of each month that we are in session. We also participate in Masses offered by the Diocese of Cleveland for youth. 

Prayer - Many opportunities are offered for prayer at STVM, as we believe, "That a family that prays together, stays together." Each academic class begins with prayer. Our Mentor Group Announcements include daily prayer. Each STVM day ends with the Marianist 3'O'clock Prayer. Outside of these daily prayer times, we offer a Wednesday 5 Minute Prayer at the end of the day in our LRC. We offer Rosary in our Chapel at 7:30 a.m. every Friday morning, except the first Friday of the month where we offer prayer. We also have whole school Prayer Services, especially during Advent and Lent. Every day our Chapel is open with Jesus reposed in the Chapel for opportunities for prayer.

Reconciliation - The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered at least two times a year, during Advent and again during Lent. Reconciliation is offered over two days so that students may attend during their Theology class, lunch, or study hall. Some retreats will also include the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Students may also stop by the Campus Ministry Office to inquire with the Campus Minister about how to receive the Sacrament outside of Advent and Lent at the school.

Sodality Small Faith Sharing Ministry - In its pilot year, these small faith sharing groups are single-sex groups composed of 5-8 students and led by a trained Catholic adult mentor in the community. In the example of our Marianist Founder, Blessed Fr. Chaminade, sodalities allow a common, shared experience of faith to encourage and draw each other into a deep and personal relationship with Christ and give tools to spread the Gospel. 

St. Vincent-St. Mary High School

In the spirit of the Gospel, we are committed to educate the whole person; to lead and to serve, enlightening the mind, developing the body, touching the heart, and inspiring the soul.